Brook x Lil-Lets: Big Period Lesson Live
Calling all teachers! Brook and Lil-Lets invite you and your students to our Big Period Lesson Live at 10am on Wednesday 1 March 2023. This broadcast is free to access and aimed at everyone in year 6 and 7.
All young people should learn about puberty in a timely and age-appropriate way, to ensure that it is relevant to children’s experiences, and so that they are prepared for the changes they will experience to their bodies, feelings and lives.
Young people should be able to empathise with and support one another during puberty, and so it is useful to teach all young people about menstruation so that everyone is able to have open, supportive conversations about it if they wish to.
Led by expert Brook educators, this lesson will support your students to:
- Define what puberty is and understand body changes
- Understand the correct names for parts of the internal reproductive organs
- Understand key facts about periods and menstrual cycle – including the emotional and physical changes that people can experience
- Understand that periods, experiences and bodies are unique for each person
- Understand the range of products available and how to choose the right one for them
- Identify ways to help someone manage their own menstrual cycle or support others
- Know where to ask for help with questions about their bodies
Please register now, share with your contacts and tune in with your class or assembly to ensure as many people as possible can benefit from this important lesson.
It would be useful if the young people viewing the broadcast have access to a smart phone or personal device. We will be asking some questions on and we would like as many people to take part as possible.
You can find more resources on periods and puberty here:
For more information about Brook’s education and training offer including free resources on a range of topics in English and Welsh visit
If you’re not able to join us on 1 March due to strikes, please do remind your students and parents/carers that they can register and tune in to the Big Period Lesson wherever they are. The lesson will also be available on demand from 10 March.
Brook x Lil-Lets: Gwers Fawr Fyw: Mislif
Yn galw ar bob athro! Mae Brook a Lil-Lets yn eich gwahodd chi â’ch disgyblion i’n Gwers Fawr Fyw: Mislif, ddydd Mercher 1 Mawrth 2023. Cynhelir y darllediad yn Saesneg. Mae’n rhad ac am ddim ac mae ar gyfer pawb ym mlwyddyn 6 a 7.
Dylai pob person ifanc ddysgu am y glasoed mewn ffordd amserol a phriodol i oedran, er mwyn sicrhau ei fod yn berthnasol i brofiadau plant ac er mwyn iddynt fod yn barod am y newidiadau y byddant yn eu profi yn eu cyrff, yn eu teimladau a’u bywydau.
Dylai pobl ifanc allu cydymdeimlo â’i gilydd a chefnogi ei gilydd yn ystod y glasoed. Felly, mae’n ddefnyddiol dysgu’r holl bobl ifanc am y mislif er mwyn i bawb allu cael sgyrsiau agored a chefnogol amdano os ydynt yn dymuno gwneud hynny.
Dan arweiniad addysgwyr arbenigol Brook, bydd y wers hon yn cefnogi eich disgyblion i wneud y canlynol:
- Diffinio beth mae’r glasoed yn ei olygu a deall newidiadau i’r corff
- Deall yr enwau cywir ar gyfer rhannau o’r organau cenhedlu mewnol
- Deall ffeithiau allweddol am y mislif a’r cylch mislif – gan gynnwys y newidiadau emosiynol a chorfforol y gall pobl eu profi
- Deall bod y mislif, profiadau a chyrff yn unigryw i bob person
- Deall yr amrywiaeth o gynnyrch sydd ar gael a sut mae dewis yr un iawn ar eu cyfer
- Nodi ffyrdd o helpu rhywun i reoli ei gylch mislif ei hun neu i gefnogi pobl eraill
- Gwybod ble i ofyn am help gyda chwestiynau am eu cyrff
Cofrestrwch nawr, rhannwch â’ch cysylltiadau ac ymunwch â’ch dosbarth neu’ch gwasanaeth i wneud yn siŵr bod cynifer o bobl â phosibl yn gallu elwa o’r wers bwysig hon.
Byddai’n ddefnyddiol pe bai gan y bobl ifanc sy’n gwylio’r darllediad fynediad at ffôn clyfar neu ddyfais bersonol. Byddwn yn gofyn rhai cwestiynau ar a hoffem i gynifer o bobl â phosibl gymryd rhan.
Mae rhagor o adnoddau am y mislif a’r glasoed ar gael yma:
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am addysg a hyfforddiant Brook, gan gynnwys adnoddau rhad ac am ddim am amrywiaeth o bynciau yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, ewch i