Brook’s Big RSE Lesson: Playing it Safe
Good Relationships and Sex Education keeps young people safe by giving them the tools to think critically, the knowledge to identify and mitigate risk and the confidence to seek support when they need it.
In celebration of Brook’s 2023 Sexual Health Week: Playing it Safe, our Big RSE Lesson will empower young people to understand and challenge gender stereotypes.
This free 60-minute live broadcast is aimed at students in year 9 and above. By the end of the session, students will be able to:
Describe how gender stereotypes can negatively affect wellbeing
Identify sources of gender stereotypes that put pressure on young people
Understand the real-world impacts of misogyny on young people
Identify types of online gender-based abuse and ways to tackle it
Know where to get help and support with gender pressures and stereotypes
Please register now for free, share with your contacts and tune in with your class or assembly. Visit Brook’s website to see how this lesson meets the requirements of the Department for Education statutory RSHE guidance in England and the Welsh Government’s Relationships and Sexuality Education Code in Wales.
It would be useful if the young people viewing the broadcast have access to a smart phone or personal device. We will be asking some questions on and we would like as many people to take part as possible.
For more information about Brook’s education and training offer including free resources on a range of topics in English and Welsh visit
Register now
Gwers Fawr Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhywioldeb (RSE) Brook: Cadw’n Ddiogel Dydd Mercher
Mae Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhywioldeb Dda yn cadw pobl ifanc yn ddiogel trwy roi’r adnoddau iddynt feddwl yn feirniadol, y wybodaeth i adnabod a lliniaru risg a’r hyder i ofyn am gymorth pan fydd ei angen arnynt.
I ddathlu Wythnos Iechyd Rhywiol 2023 Brook: Cadw’n Ddiogel, bydd ein Gwers Fawr RSE yn grymuso pobl ifanc i ddeall a herio stereoteipiau rhywedd.
Mae’r darllediad byw 60 munud am ddim wedi’i anelu at fyfyrwyr ym mlwyddyn 9 ac i fyny. Erbyn diwedd y sesiwn, bydd myfyrwyr yn gallu:
- Disgrifio sut y gall stereoteipiau rhywedd effeithio’n negyddol ar les.
- Nodi ffynonellau stereoteipiau rhywedd sy’n rhoi pwysau ar bobl ifanc.
- Deall effeithiau byd go iawn misogyny ar bobl ifanc.
- Nodi mathau o gam-drin ar-lein ar sail rhywedd a ffyrdd o ddelio ag ef.
- Gwybod ble i gael cymorth a chefnogaeth ar bwysau sy’n gysylltiedig gyda rhyw a stereoteipiau rhywedd.
Cofrestrwch nawr am ddim, rhannwch gyda’ch cysylltiadau ac ymunwch gyda’ch dosbarth neu wasanaeth. Ewch i wefan Brook i weld sut mae’r wers hon yn bodloni gofynion canllawiau statudol yr Adran Addysg ar gyfer Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhywioldeb ac Iechyd yn Lloegr a Chod Addysg Cydberthynas a Rhywioldeb Llywodraeth Cymru yng Nghymru.
Byddai’n ddefnyddiol pe bai ffôn clyfar neu ddyfais bersonol gan y bobl ifanc sy’n gwylio’r darllediad. Byddwn yn gofyn rhai cwestiynau ar a hoffem i gynifer o bobl â phosibl gymryd rhan.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am addysg a hyfforddiant Brook, gan gynnwys adnoddau am ddim ar nifer o bynciau yn Saesneg a Chymraeg, ewch i
Cofrestrwch nawr